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Collaboration Visit of STIC-CEGIR Taiwan Researchers to Indonesia

In November 2022, STIC Taiwan researchers conducted a visit programme to Indonesia to conduct technology transfer related to waste management with the concept of circular economy. This visit programme was conducted in government institutions and industries related to the main research topics. The delegation from Taiwan consisted of:

  1. Vice President and Professor Jhy-Chern Liu (Department of Chemical Engineering, Taiwan Tech)

  2. Ying-Hao Chen, Dean and Distinguished Professor Ching-Hwa LEE (Department of Environmental Engineering, Da-Yeh University

  3. Chair Professor Young Ku (Department of Chemical Engineering, Taiwan Tech)

  4. Distinguished Professor Ta-Peng Chang Liu (Department of Construction Engineering, Taiwan Tech)

  5. Chang Ching Ho Taiwan (Concrete Institute-President of KATEK R&D corp)

During this visit, the Taiwanese researchers were accompanied by STIC researchers in Indonesia. The Indonesian researchers involved are Dr. IDAA. Warmadewanthi (STIC Vice Director from Intstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember), ·Jenni Lie, Christian Wijaya dan Jindrayani Nyoo Putro (Lecturer in Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya). The visit was conducted by the East Java Environment and Industry Agency, PT Paiton Operation & Maintenance Indonesia (POMI), PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia.

Meeting with the director of DLH East Java and its members to discuss the waste problem in Indonesia and sharing knowledge on effective and efficient waste management.

Explanation from the industrial department regarding government policies in industrial waste treatment in Indonesia and from the Taiwanese side to discuss and share knowledge about Taiwan's policies applied in industries for waste treatment such as FABA, SBE and slag.

The meeting with PT POMI discussed FABA waste and its processing methods as well as the utilisation of fly ash waste for concrete and road making in Indonesia. The representative from Taiwan also explained and shared about the utilisation of FABA waste, one example of bottom ash used for reclamation in Taiwan. After the discussion, there was a visit to a brick factory.

At meeting in PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia, a discussion was held about Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) and processing methods and FABA waste recovery in the Petrochemical Industry. The representative from Taiwan also explained and shared about the utilization of FABA, one example of FABA Recovery in Taiwan.

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