The Mining and Engineering Workshop Technical Implementation Unit of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in Jampang Kulon aims to transform coal waste. The unit is now working on a project to use waste coal in the form of fly ash. Fly ash is a coal power plant waste product.
Fly ash is a fine powder-like dust that contains quartz, according to the Unit's director, Edi Hidayat (a robust and resistant micron-sized mineral which is harmful to the lungs if inhaled). Hazardous waste is classified as fly ash. As a result, the Ministry of Environment is still reviewing this residue, he told a reporter on Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
According to Edi, the Ministry of Environment will decide on a new waste category for this fly ash in the future. The Environmental Impact Planning Board (BAPEDAL) continues to classify it as hazardous waste in the meanwhile. It includes a lot of raw materials, but it's not being used to its full potential.
Danang Nor Arifin, a researcher with the Unit, noted that fly ash can be used as a raw material for lightweight hollow concrete.
According to him, the development of light mass with maximal strength is still in the early stages of research into usage. According to him, future research will focus on temperature, pressure, and chemical formulation endurance and testing. He anticipated that the availability of this lightweight concrete building material would diminish reliance on red brick.
Fly ash, he noted, may be utilized as a raw material for paving stones in addition to being a raw material for lightweight concrete. Paving blocks that have been tested can currently be utilized for pedestrian walkways and parking lots.
Fertilizer for Puminal Plants Edi also mentioned that the Unit is working on a modified prototype natural mineral fertilizer that uses fly ash. Normally, guano phosphate, which is found in limestone or typical hills, would be used in puminal fertilizer, he explained.
Phosphate from limestone hills, particularly bat-formed guano phosphate, is simply dredged without sufficient exploration, causing harm to ecosystems.
The first step in producing puminal fertilizer is to combine guano phosphate with nutrient-rich poultry or animal manure. Then it's blended with zeolite and potassium components extracted from banana tree marinade, coconut coir, or soaked empty oil palm fruit bunches for three weeks. To make puminal fertilizer, the mixture is dried and sieved.