Recovery and Recycling Waste from Industry
The Recovery and Recycling Waste from Industry webinar aimed to disseminate technology and information on the recovery of fly ash and bottom ash produced by Taiwanese industry, as well as methods for recovering and recycling industrial waste in Taiwan.
Recovery and Recycle Waste
The Recovery and Recycling Waste from Industry webinar aimed to disseminate technology and information on the recovery of fly ash and bottom ash produced by Taiwanese industry, as well as methods for recovering and recycling industrial waste in Taiwan. The event went off without a hitch, with speakers, committee members, and participants from Taiwan and Indonesia in attendance. This webinar is delivered online through Zoom in Indonesian, English, and Mandarin.
After the event began, Prof. Felycia Edi Soetaredjo, as deputy director of STIC and lecturer at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, moderated sessions 1 and 2. Session 1 began with Dr. eng. Januarti Jaya Ekaputri ST., MT discussing the prospect of fly ash and bottom ash recovery in Indonesia for about 10 minutes. For 30 minutes, Professor Emeritus Huang Chao-Lung presented Session 2 on the topic of using fly ash and bottom ash in various projects around the world. Both sessions concluded with a 20-minute question and answer session for webinar attendees.
Mrs. Jennie lie, a lecturer at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, moderated Session 3 and introduced Director Amos Chang, an industrial practitioner who has recycled various industrial wastes in Taiwan. The presentation lasted 30 minutes and was followed by a 20-minute question and answer duration.